
Showing posts from 2018

Eight Tips for the Best Mother’s Day Ever!

What do Mom’s really, really want on Mother’s Day? Flowers and chocolates are so yesterday’s gift, but if you are looking for an epic gift, keep reading.    Remember the phrase “it’s the thought that counts”?  Well, these gift ideas are not only thoughtful, but practical and memorable to boot!  Mom deserves to be treated with the highest of respect and loved, as she often says, “to the moon and back”, so it’s time to put a serious effort into rewarding her on that special day. Here are some thoughtful gift ideas that don’t require any extra space in her home but will live long in her heart.   Tickets to the theatre:   Is your mom’s favourite artist or Broadway show coming to town this year?  Oh, what a squeal she will release when she holds the tickets she thought had sold-out! If your budget permits, include a dinner and hotel stay if there’s some traveling involved. Pottery making : Your mom always showed a knack for design so this y...

Why You Need Space Cleansing in Your Home - Three Simple Space Cleansing Steps

       The Spring Equinox arrived on March 20 th as it does every year in the Northern Hemisphere and with this comes a distinct change in energies.   We are moving from an internal quieter state typical of the winter season, to an external and more dynamic state distinctive to spring.  As the spring rainfalls cleanse the last signs of winter and shakes up the earth beneath us to sprout new life, it is also an ideal time for all of us to clear and declutter our homes.      What is Space Cleansing? Most people relate “cleansing a space” with spring cleaning with buckets and mops to clear the cobwebs in your garage, wash the windows and declutter your kitchen cupboards.  In this article, we are referring to the process of ritualistically cleansing the energetic space where you live or work.  In this context, energy will be considered as a vibration or waves of energy.  The physical world is not inanimate, it...

Six Tips to Get You Through Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is exactly two weeks away and if you haven’t forgotten about Valentine’s Day with your love, then you are ahead of the game.  But the pressure is on to outdo yourself from past years’ celebrations, thanks, in part to modern living. In this current era of the internet, online dating is perhaps where you started your romance, and texting is how you kept the fires burning.  Instant resources at your fingertips to help you find that romantic weekend getaway, are easier than ever to find.  Printing your romantic photos on coffee mugs and t-shirts, or arranging a couples’ massage at your home  or favorite spa, can be done easily and quickly. Several decades ago, chocolates and flowers were the easy and typical gifts expressing love on this special day.  Perhaps a movie and a walk in the park would wind up the evening, or cuddling on the old couch watching a roaring fireplace after enjoying tea and heart-shaped cookies.  Expressions of love...

How to Surprise Your Boyfriend on Valentine’s Day

Are you hoping to really impress “ton chum”, as they say in Montréal, on V-Day?  Answer:  book a Couple’s Massage. Couple’s Massage Therapy is one of the most romantic shared experiences you will ever have.  Imagine the following:   two professional massage therapists taking care of you and your boyfriend in an environment that exudes pure relaxation with low lighting, flickering candles and soothing music.  Romance fills the air with sensual and healing fragrances from our pure and organic essential oils collection.  The ambience is perfect.  Are you still with me? Couple’s Massage is a Heart Centered Affair Sharing a Couple’s Massage with your lover goes much deeper than the physical aspect of loosening tight muscles. It becomes a spiritual and heart-centered experience with long-lasting benefits, not only on the physical, but emotional and mental levels.  Receiving massage therapy may, at times,  leave you feeling vulne...