Why You Need Space Cleansing in Your Home - Three Simple Space Cleansing Steps
The Spring Equinox arrived on March 20 th as it does every year in the Northern Hemisphere and with this comes a distinct change in energies. We are moving from an internal quieter state typical of the winter season, to an external and more dynamic state distinctive to spring. As the spring rainfalls cleanse the last signs of winter and shakes up the earth beneath us to sprout new life, it is also an ideal time for all of us to clear and declutter our homes. What is Space Cleansing? Most people relate “cleansing a space” with spring cleaning with buckets and mops to clear the cobwebs in your garage, wash the windows and declutter your kitchen cupboards. In this article, we are referring to the process of ritualistically cleansing the energetic space where you live or work. In this context, energy will be considered as a vibration or waves of energy. The physical world is not inanimate, it...