Powerful Co-Creators 1
Hello Powerful Co-Creator! If you are reading this, it's because you fit the definition of a Powerful Co-Creator; an individual who courageously follows your heart's calling and makes a commitment to walking your path. At ArcoIris Refined Massotherapies , we are dedicated to empowering people to live authentically, to speak their truth and find their own inner calling. Today, we are featuring professional blog ger and holistic nutritionist Leanne Vogel. I met Leanne at ArcoIris Massage Studios ; she was on her 47 th day of a 60 Day Yoga Challenge and her aching muscles were desperately looking for some relief from a qualified Massage Therapist. She has since then, completed her 60 Day Challenge! Congrats Leanne! Leanne blogs about her passions: allergen-free recipes, travel and yoga but most importantly, Leanne believes in living authentically and fulfilling your heart’s des...