Living Authentically and Speaking Your Truth
Have you heard about the world movement towards co-creating a new myth involving the whole planet and everybody in it? This new planetary myth will involve what Eckhart Tolle calls creating a New Human Consciousness which promotes oneness, harmony, and peace. Some have said that we are presently going through a period of enlightenment similar to the European Renaissance of the 14th-17th centuries, others say that Earth is going through a vibrational transition which occurs only every 2000 years!
I certainly feel a deep resonance with all the above perspectives. I choose to believe that a shift is occurring in the 21st Century and that it's bringing unity and not separateness, harmony and not fighting, peace and not fear. By choosing to share with you what is true to me, I am co-creating and participating in this new planetary myth of a New Human Consciousness.
Don’t Believe a Word I Say!
I always tell my students and clients to not believe a word I say because I can only share with them my own world view which has been colored by my personal experiences. Twenty-five years ago my belief system was based on a bigoted, patriarchal, and exclusive world view. Today it’s based on a humanitarian, matriarchal, and inclusive world view. Twenty-five years from now: I don’t know! I cannot even predict because, as quantum physicist tell us, there are infinite probabilities! But I am certain that my consciousness will continue to evolve and expand as I grow through my own personal experiences.
For 2013, ArcoIris, my Massage and Energy Therapy business, is publicly committing to empowering the New Human Consciousness Shift. I have been meditating about this idea, of a more enlightened society, since 2006 but have never publicly announced it for fear of what other people would say. Isn’t it ironic that in the Summer of 2011, I presented a speech encouraging my fellow Toastmasters (a public speaking club) to speak up, to be assertive and to express their uniqueness? That speech, in hindsight, was really meant for me! My inner voice was telling me to be bold and speak my truth! And so it is that in 2012, I have dared to disturb the cosmos!
ArcoIris is committed to empowering people to live authentically, to speak their truth and find their own inner calling by providing consciousness transforming practices and courses to individuals. At ArcoIris we use and teach techniques such as breathing and meditation, body work and energy work to help people increase their natural healing processes and to develop their own intuitive capabilities.
Trust Yourself Find Your Genius Co-Create Boldly
Be Authentic Speak Your Truth
Be Authentic Speak Your Truth
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