Spring Cleansing Your Way to Wellness - The Physical Body - Part 1/3

The big sleep is over!  As the spring rainfalls cleanse the last signs of winter, we need to adopt seasonal rituals that do the same for our bodies as we are, after all, part of the nature that surrounds us.   Spring is not only about nature’s awakening, but a time for us to cleanse our bodies, purify our minds and nourish our soul through detoxifying diets and practices to remove and release stagnant energies trapped over the long winter months.

What does it mean to cleanse (or detoxify) your body?

To detoxify or cleanse your body means giving your body a break, especially your digestive system. You give your intestines (the headquarters of your immune system) the time to flush out the extra toxins accumulated in the liver through the winter season.

Traditional Chinese Medicine supports the idea that spring is the time of year when the liver and gallbladder work the hardest cleansing the blood – which is the first step in detoxification.  The liver is the organ responsible for removing toxins from the body; similar to a filter or sieve. When the liver has responded to too many food choices containing toxins, or other unhealthy practices, the liver can no longer function properly.  The body then responds with weight gain, poor energy, skin break-out, moodiness, digestion issues and frequent colds.

As Nature does its thing to rid the last signs of winter, so do our bodies, cleaning itself from the the inside out.  We can help our bodies along by adopting all-system cleanses that help the body to naturally detoxify and give your digestive system a break.

How can you help your body cleanse (detoxify) itself?

As we send our cars off for scheduled maintenance so that they continue to give us more years of uninterrupted reliability, during the changing seasons, our bodies need the same consideration. 

Eat healthier and drink more water

Nature cleanses winter away with torrents of water (in the form of rainfall) to make room for spring, do the same for your body, drink copious amount of water (at least 2 litres/day).  Adding a fast of just a couple of days will also give your body a rest and allow it to work on what it needs to release*.   If fasting is not something you want to try, eat lighter meals with more greens and organic raw food.  Avoid or eliminate, temporarily, processed foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, gluten, fried foods, and animal protein (dairy and meat).  Drink herbal teas such as burdock root, dandelion leaf, milk thistle, and nettles that support the liver.

Exercise, quiet your mind and spend time outdoors

Join a 31 day hot yoga challenge to help sweat at out those toxins.  Purify your mind by having a daily meditation practice and adopt more natural ways to reduce your stress.  Nourish your soul by spending more time in nature.

Book bodywork techniques at least 1x/season

Bodywork therapies support your body to flush out the stagnant energies trapped over the long winter months.   At ArcoIris Refined Massotherapies we specialize in unique holistic modalities dedicated to help you achieve balance in mind, body and spirit.  Book online today one of these techniques, known specifically for their internal cleansing properties:

Quick Spring Detox Checklist 

  • Drink water (at least 2 liters/day)
  • Eat plenty of fresh, organic, raw fruits & vegetables
  • Remove all processed foods
  • Reduce meat, dairy, coffee, alcohol and smoking
  • Include herbal teas that support the liver
  • Increase physical activity
  • Practice mindfulness daily
  • Spend time outdoors
  • Book a massage, shiatsu or reiki session
* Make certain that you confirm with your medical practitioner that this is appropriate for you and any pre-dispositions that exist.  


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