How Regularly Posting Blogs Helped My Massage Business Grow

If you are a body-/light-worker and you struggle with stringing legible words together to share your ideas with others, keep on reading. 

I love what I do. While I spend many hours in my massage studio working out the kinks in my clients’ bodies, I realized that my business had a few kinks of its own!  I needed more presence on social media feeds!

It’s no secret that the most important trend today is how a business interacts with their current 
customers while engaging new ones.   If you are not visible online, chances are people won’t find you unless you have a powerful “word-of-mouth” machine supporting you.  So, I committed to posting regular informative and fun blogs that I knew my customers would enjoy while securing my online visibility.

Case in point.  Several years ago, I had a client whom I treated regularly, including those beautiful nine months while her belly blossomed into a gorgeous baby girl.  So as life does, my client got very busy with family and things that she almost forgot about the wonderful benefits from regular massage treatments.  Thankfully, due to my presence online, she stayed connected to my business. And then a few weeks back, I posted my Back to School blog post that caught her attention. It was designed in a list format of what you should consider for you and your family for a successful return to school.  One of the suggestions was to consider massage therapy for children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) as it has been proven to be very helpful with managing symptoms.  Her daughter has been diagnosed with high functioning ASD (autism spectrum disorder) which can have similar traits to ADHD symptoms.  After reading the post she swiftly connected with me to make the arrangements so that treatments could begin without delay.  It never occurred to her before reading the blog, and thanks to my post, she learned something that could potentially have life-changing benefits for her daughter.  

While I love to write, I don’t always have the time to turn my ideas into a blog post.  So, what’s my secret?  If you ask, I will share with you my secret.  

Call or text me at 514-812-9092

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