Helpful Tips On How To Mangage Your Eczema
Do you suffer from eczema? I do. In fact, since early childhood. Traditionally, the Western medical approach was and still is to prescribe topical steroids. For years I went without consulting a Dermatologist because what was the point?! The typical prescription for my type of eczema were topical steroids which only treated the symptoms and not the cause. In early Spring 2011 I had a painful eczema crises that affected my hands and wrists which prevented me from working as a Massage Therapist. It was so bad that it compelled me to get a steroid prescription! But at the same time I started to explore holistic remedies that would treat my whole system and eventually the cause of my eczema. I first tried Homeopathy. It worked to stop the frantic almost obsessive & violent scratching. Some days it worked wonderfully and some days not so much. I cannot explain how Homeopathy works...