Having a Genius

I can never start my post with the Title.  Title appears organically and will jump out at me by the time I am almost done writing my post.  It's fun to experience the process of seeing what is itching to bloom out. 

Deepak Chopra advised us in one of his recent Tweets to silence our minds in order to discover the "Inner Genius(es) (IG)".  Elizabeth Gilbert so eloquently told the story, on Ted.com, how in Ancient Rome or Greece (one of the two) a person who was a genius did not consider themselves a "Genius", they considered themselves as "Having a Genius".  These ancient people knew that if they tried to "own" their IG, then all hell would break loose.  In other words the EGO would have a field day pretending to be The Genius.  Whenever the Ego gets involved it is not a pretty sight.   Oh vey!

I often get the beautiful compliment that I am a healer because of the line of work I am in and always thank the nice person giving me the compliment.   However, I know I am not a healer.  I do accept the notion that I "Have a Healer" inside of me and that once in awhile she/he loves to show up and play!  So, at least I know one "Have a".  What is exciting is the process of discovering other "Have a_s".  Heck, the one that is writing right now may be a "Have a" writer, a creative writer, a blogger, a poet, a screen play writer, a novelist, a technical writer, a story teller, a...I dunno...will have to wait and see.


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