Just Be Yourself!
Day 22/30 Day Blogging Challenge.
As I practiced for my Toastmaster speech entitled, I Am a Loud Speaker!, I paused in front of the mirror and a voice said:
As I practiced for my Toastmaster speech entitled, I Am a Loud Speaker!, I paused in front of the mirror and a voice said:
"Just speak as your authentic self. J-U-S-T B-E Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F. U take life tooooo seriously. Have fun! Love your eccentricities. Love all of you including the Shadow part. Love the Angel in you and the Demon in you. Love the Little Girl in you and the Adult in you. Love the EGO in you and the SELF in you. It comes in a package & you cannot pick and choose which aspect you like and want to keep and which you dislike and wish to discard.
Avoid taking things so personally. If a client cancels why bother wondering if it's because you did something wrong? Or if your prices are too high? This negative self-talk is called Instilling Doubt. Do you believe you are good practitioner and worth what you charge? If your answer is Yes, then shut the fuck up! Let me recommend a trick: When that doubting voice creeps up, use Laughter Yoga to interrupt that vibration that is labeled DOUBT."What's Laughter Yoga? Here is a short video demonstrating Laughter Yoga with Dr. Madan Kataria founder of Laughter Yoga. Try it! Have fun with it!
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